Sports injuries are injuries that typically occur while participating in organized sports, competitions, training sessions, or organized fitness activities. These injuries may occur in teens for a variety of reasons, including improper training, lack of appropriate footwear or safety equipment, and rapid growth during puberty. Often overuse injuries seem less important than acute injuries. You may be tempted to ignore that aching in your wrist or that soreness in your knees, but always remember that just because an injury isn’t dramatic doesn’t mean it’s unimportant or will go away on its own. If left untreated, a chronic injury will probably get worse over time. Learn more about pulled muscles and the ways to treating muscle pull.
Tag Archives: Hamstring
Hip Flexor And Hamstring Stretch Yoga Routine
This video shows the 10 minute yoga routine stretches the front and back of your legs targeting hip flexors and hamstrings. The stretches are dancer pose, down dog with leg lift, flip dog, high lunge with side stretch, low lunge with quad stretch, and bow pose. Click this link to find out more about hip flexor and hamstring injury.
Hamstring Injury – " Golf Injuries "
This video discusses the Hamstring Injury or a pulled hamstring, one of the common golf injuries and leg injuries. The hamstring injury is a strain or a tear to the back of the upper leg muscles. Difficulty of squatting and sitting are common symptoms. To learn how to treat a hamstring injury, visit our pulled hamstring treatment overview.
Stretches and exercises for the hamstring muscle
Learn a couple simple but uncommon ways to stretch your hamstring. Hamstring exercise and stretches done after you warm up can substantially reduce the risk of injury. Also to prevent soreness it is good to do at the end of a workout. Other
Pulled hamstring during a 500lb deadlift
How not to lift a heavy weight. Watch as this athlete sustains a torn hamstring during this deadlift. Learn more hamstring injury symptoms.
A great stretch for the hamstring
Check this stretch out for the hamstring. Great for preventing common hamstring injuries or tears. Do after your body is sweating from a light warm up.
As always only go to a comfortable range. You are trying to stretch and warm up the muscle not tear muscle tissue.